Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews - What Plastic Surgery Doctors Wont Tell You

Are there any under eye wrinkle creams or wrinkle remover that really work? Can wrinkles be repaired or fixed using natural wrinkle remedies? Yes, we say fix a wrinkle because a wrinkle is just damaged skin due to improper skin cell formation and lack of collagen production. So, if you found a wrinkle cream that increased collagen and elastin production and speed up wound healing, you could fix those wrinkles.

There are many consumer reports on anti wrinkle creams and the best wrinkle removers, but we hardly read about copper peptide cream which is clinically proven to reduce scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and encourage collagen production.

What are copper peptides made of? A copper peptide is really two components, peptides, which are fragments of protein, and copper atoms. When these two bind, they form copper peptides.

Copper peptides and their ability to help rejuvenate the skin were first discovered by Dr. Pickart in the mid 70s. In fact, he later found and patented a special form of copper peptide that was especially beneficial for skin remodeling called GHK-Cu. One of the best benefits of copper peptide GHK-CU was its ability to help repair damaged skin including: reduce scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles.

And the best part is there are lots of studies to support these wonderful skin rejuvenating benefits of copper peptides, not just a whole lot of anti aging cream reviews or best wrinkle remover reviews and testimonies from supposedly satisfied customers.

The first study was a small, yet impressive. It involved 20 volunteers who were given three different creams to try. They were copper peptides, vitamin C, and Retin-A. After only one month, those treated with copper peptide skin care products showed a 70% increase in collagen, while those treated with vitamin C only saw a 50% increase and only a 40% increase in the Retin-A group.

A larger and longer study on 71 aging female volunteers published in the American Academy of Dermatology found that copper peptide cream with GHK-Cu reduced lines and wrinkles, while increasing skin density, thickness, and elasticity.

There are plenty more studies and clinical trials proving the beneficial effects of copper peptide creams with GHK-Cu on aging skin. And while some say it takes longer than plastic surgery or chemical peels, its also much cheaper and safer.

Before buying any Copper Peptides, check out this review of the copper peptides also see Before and After pictures.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

3 Simple Steps For Wrinkle Free Skin

I don’t know about you, but I hate spending hours and money -- trying six different creams, potions and lotions for my face.

I want simple, yet effective skin care regime for wrinkle free skin. Well, I found it! I’m almost 50 years old and people guess me to still be in my late thirties!

Here are my 3 Simple Steps

1. Feed Your skin – Build More Collagen

  • I use a strong copper peptide cream. It doesn’t smell pretty, it doesn’t come in a fancy expensive bottle or jar, and it’s blue – but once you rub it into the skin the color disappears – but this is some serious skin care stuff!! Probably the best anti aging cream on the market.

Clinical data on anti aging research shows Copper Peptides to be effective at reversing skin aging on human skin. Copper Peptides also can:
• Tightening loose skin
• Improving skin elasticity
• Improving skin firmness
• Reducing fine lines and depth of wrinkles
• Reducing age spots, hyper-pigmentation and sun damage
• Imparting a healthy “glow and clarity” to the skin

2. Exfoliate – Get Rid of Old Dead Skin to Make Way For New Collagen

  • Lactic Acid and Salicylic Acid are exfoliating agents used for facial peels. These natural agents – derived from sugar found in milk and fruits -- offer a number of benefits to aging skin such as:

    • reducing enlarged pores
    • eliminating fine lines
    • exfoliating dead skin cells

If you’re over 40, the lactic acid should be your best friend because as we age our skin gets dry, dull, and discolored. All those years of sun bathing is now starting to show up on your face (sigh!)

This hydrating lotion not only helps remove sun spots and discoloration, but hydrates and gives you skin a moist smooth glow. The salicylic acid is great for closing up large pores. I use both a few times a week and love them.
Other benefits include:

• increase collage production
• increase moisture binding properties
• help dissolve and remove stretch marks and other skin lesions

3. Moisturize, heal and protect – with Emu Oil

  • When you apply a moisturizer are you really moisturizing or just covering your face with unnatural greases and waxes.

Unfortunately, most moisturizers are full of chemicals; however, emu oi is a natural moisturizer -- with a similar composition to human skin oils. Not only can it protecting your skin from water loss and help to prevent wrinkles, it can also heal inflamed and damaged skin.

The Australian Aborigines have used this and only this to heal and protect their skin for hundreds of years. That says a lot considering how harsh the sun is in Australia.

Emu Oil works for all skin types and won’t aggravate specific skin problems like, dry itchy skin, clogged pores or whiteheads. It’s has healing properties that especially helpful for burns, eczema and psoriasis.

I use it every day and every time I wash my face.

These are my 3 favorite Simple Wrinkle Free Skin Tips. Read More About Wrinkle Free Skin Care Here